f you own or work for a small business and want to improve costs you will find out that one of the easiest ways is to simply get a credit card that does this for you. The days of digging into the petty cash box are over it is time to move on to a credit card that pays your company up to 5% on office supply purchases. A never-ending expense of any company is from things such as paper, pens, ink jet toner cartridges and filing cabinets.
Several credit card offers may directly or indirectly rescue you from some of the costs of office supplies. A few of these offers we have handpicked to help you impress your boss or your accountant. The first cards that come to mind are small business and corporate cards that give you a direct 5% back on office supply stores. The latter cards are from places you shop at that work as personal cards at Sam’s Club or CostCo.
OfficeMax, Office Depot, and Staples are the leading office supply chains which always get the 5% discount on the first cards listed. You may have local retailers or online e-shops that you prefer and they may register as an office supply store but you may want to call and check with the credit card issuer to verify.
Here is our list of the top Office Supply Store credit cards:
1. CitiBusiness
2. CostCo True Savings
3. Advanta
5. Sam’s Club