Best credit card promotion of the summer goes to Discover IT credit cards. They are offering a deal you cannot refuse. Get ready to switch ALL of your bills and make ALL of your purchases on Discover card. The original credit card in the world known for cash back is doubling the the cash back bonus for Discover it card holders for their next 12 statement cycles.
What all is included in this huge offer from Discover?
10% cash back in rotating categories
2% cash back on all purchases (Double Cash Back)
Discover Deals should also be doubled according to a rep
Update 2025: Shockingly, This promotion is still running for Double Cash Back. You can sign-up here. This could not possibly last much longer!

You must enroll in this offer to be eligible. To enroll in this offer you need to call 800-347-3085 and request the double cash back for 12 months. The rep should then be able to enroll you over the phone and you will receive double the cash back for the next 12 statement cycles. Keep in mind you get to do your normal 1% Cash Back on the IT card each month for redemption but its just the double cash back you have to wait until the end of the 12 months from the start of promotion to redeem.
The offer is available to new and existing cardholders and you have until July 31st to enroll. They do not send out any email to confirm enrollment. So you may want to call back when the double cash back begins or before June 31st to confirm that you are signed up for this offer. You’ll receive your double cash back bonus with your 13th statement after enrollment similar to the Miles card that pays annually. The offer will not begin until your next statement period begins so you may want to call and adjust your statement closing date first and move it up.
After the first 12 consecutive billing periods that your new account is open, we will double all the cash back rewards you’ve earned and apply them to your account in the next billing cycle. You’ve earned rewards when they have posted to your account by the end of the 12th consecutive billing period. You will not receive Double Cash Back if your account is closed or no longer in the cash back reward program as of the award date. This promotional offer may not be offered in the future.
With the 5% cash back categories being doubled you could earn 10% cash back in those rotating categories such as online purchases or gasoline which change each quarter. This is a potential of $1,800 in cash back per Discover it card over a year for the rotating categories.
We thought this promotion was only for new cardholders at first then found out it’s available to existing cardholders as well. This is great since I own two Discover cards. Although, I was only able to add it to my newer Discover IT card I have had for three years or so. My older grandfathered Discover card that earns under 1% back which I should have converted it cannot be added to. I have also seen reports of it being added to other versions of the Discover card for double cash back.
Discover IT Card Sign-Up Bonuses
The best sign up bonus is a $50 Amazon gift card you can find here. Also keep in mind that it’s possible to have more than one Discover it card and if you spend over the maximum of $1,500 in a certain quarterly category you should get a second one. You can only have two per person and need to wait a year to apply for an additional one.
Get 10% on Any Southwest Flight
If you plan to fly SWA then keep in mind that Amazon.com is a 5% cash back category for the Discover it card until September. This is doubled at the end of the year for new cardmembers and anyone signed up in the “double” offer.
30% Back at Nordstrom, 10% Back at Walmart and Apple
If you go over to the shopping offers at Discover.com you will find that new card members can earn a total of 30% cash back at Ace Hardware, Bloomingdale’s, JCPenney, Nordstrom, and Sears. Just in time for the new iPhone 6s to come out you can get 10% back at Apple stores or 10% back at Walmart for Back to School taking advantage of these offers.