If you owe taxes like me you know that paying with a credit card and earning miles at the same time would make things perfect but the convenience fee makes it unappealing. H&R Block is now offering those who are paying individual income taxes with a credit card or debit MasterCard a chance to have the convenience fee rebated back. This rebate applies to the first $350 of your balance due payment.
All you have to do for this rebate is use an H&R Block online tax preparation product located at hrblock.com/goto/mcrebate while using a credit or debit MasterCard. Along with the H&R Block fees you pay your individual income taxes with your Credit or Debit MasterCard and have the full 2.49% convenience fee rebated back to you on the first $350 of your balance due payment.
You’ll be able to make one 1040 Balance Due payment with your Credit or Debit MasterCard and pay no convenience fees on Individual Income tax payments on the first $350 of your balance due payment. These offers do have expiration dates so make sure you check to see if it is still valid.
Also See: H&R Block Debit Card