Normally when you think of credit you think of boring. But this is the coolest credit card to come out in years. This card is for the gamers who want to show that barista at Starbucks that you are armored with a sick Visa card that not many have the privledge to carry as credit armor. World of Warcraft or WoW as some call it is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game(MMORPG). Selecting a credit card can be a lot like picking a realm to play on Warcraft. You must have a credit card to play World of Warcraft online so you should get this one that earns you bonus gametime. Thirty days of WoW gameplay normally costs $15.
World of Warcraft is an online role-playing game from Blizzard Entertainment. This game currently has over 9 million players and holds many gaming records. This card might draw the interest of the younger male and some of us teckies who like to play games now and then if I only had the time. If you use this card and keep earning free games then you will have to make the time.
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