The First National Bank of Omaha offers a number of credit cards with very nice terms for consumers shopping for the right credit card for their needs. When shopping for any credit card you should consider how you use your card and what you want out of a card. First National Bank offers card options that include low introductory rates, low fixed rates and rewards programs. All of the cards offer easy and convenient online statement access, transaction records, the ability to review past statements for seven years, and online payment options. Good credit is required for all of the cards offered by the First National Bank of Omaha.
Consumers looking for a low introductory APR and a low rate on balance transfers may want to consider the Platinum Edition Visa card. This card offers a 0% introductory APR on purchases made in the first 12 months, and a 3.99% lifetime APR on balance transfers within the first three billing cycles. There is no annual fee. If you need to transfer a balance to a lower interest card, this may be a good choice. With a 0% introductory APR, it could also be an excellent way to finance a purchase you can pay off within the 12 month period.
The Platinum Edition fixed rate Visa card offers a fixed 7.99% interest rate. This card has no annual fee and is a good choice for an all around low rate card. If you are looking for a credit card without confusing or complicated terms, this may be a good choice at First National Bank of Omaha.
There are several rewards card options available from First National Bank as well. The BucksBack Platinum Edition Visa offers a 0% introductory rate for 12 months, a $10.00 reward check upon setting up the account and another when you make your first purchase, and a $25.00 reward check for every $2,500 spent on the card. The APR may be as low as 9.99% on this card. There is no annual fee, and the online account access and other benefits of the First National Bank cards apply to the BucksBack card as well.
Frequent travelers may want to consider the Maximum Rewards Platinum Edition Visa, travel edition. With no annual fee, this card allows you three reward points for every dollar spent on hotels or air travel. Redemption is easy, and there are many possible options. You will also have a 0% APR for the first six billing cycles and a 13.99% APR thereafter. If you routinely carry a balance on your credit card, you may wish to consider a card with lower rewards and a lower APR.
Finally, First National Bank of Omaha offers the Maximum Rewards Platinum Edition Visa. This card has an APR as low as 9.99%, a 12 month 0% APR introductory period and no annual fee. You will receive rewards points on every purchase and there are many options for redemption.
New Cards from First National Bank of Omaha:
2. Save 6% for 3 months on gas
Note: APR Rates may change since review was written May 5, 2008.