A reward credit card used to be a rarity. Only members with the highest credit limits or those who had their cards for long periods of time could expect to receive anything from the credit card companies. Often, rewards would come in the form of gift cards or something a bit more tangible, like luggage. These days, the majority of companies have several different reward cards that people can apply for. In cases such as the Discover Card, the reward is actually money which can be statement credits or even cash in the form of a check. A person receives a percentage of his expenditures, so each time he uses the card he is increasing the size of the payment he will get back. Other reward cards offer people discounts at certain hotels, restaurants, and gas stations. You now have a more immediate reward or bonus on the latest lure from credit card companies including $50 sign-up bonuses up to $400.
With so many different types of rewards, people need to seriously look at their spending habits before they choose a reward card. A person who doesn’t own a car is not going to benefit from a program that rewards spending on gasoline. Likewise, someone who rarely travels will not reap many rewards from a frequent-flyer miles card. Of course for the rest of us, who travel as frequently as possible, these cards hold exceptional incentives.
Looking to transfer a balance to another card? Balance Transfer Credit Cards have become big over the last several years because not only do they keep you away from higher interest on your current credit cards but they earn you some rewards. With Balance Transfer credit cards there are many fees such as a 3% balance transfer fee charged by most banks that has recently increased to 5%. We have an updated list that includes no balance transfer fee cards.
0% Balance Transfer Offers into 2023
Which Rebate Cards Should I Choose? A guide to help in the decision process of deciding on what rewards card works best for you. A rewards card offer is not always black and white now with social networking you can get rewards from cards such as American Express just for Tweeting.
Save real money at the Gas Station? Frugal shopper or not; surveys show that most people need help saving money at the pump because that seems more of a tax on our everyday purchases. Cash back programs and gas station loyalty programs offer great ways to save at the pump. You can also save at least 2% to 5% just using cards that give you rebates such as Chase Bank, Discover Card, and some credit unions.
Gas offers include a small two percent rebate promotional ones that give you six-percent rebates on all purchases at any gas station for 90 days. You can compare this to other popular fuel cards like the BP Visa, Shell Card and the Exxon MasterCard where you only get the small rebates back towards fill-up purchases and not towards the entire credit card bill. People looking to find cheaper fuel need to look not just at the gas stations but at ways to earn back some of the money spent with cards like our favorite gas card where you can earn up to 10% back on your gas purchases.
Benefits of Travel Reward Cards. Most major airlines have had some form of frequent flier program in place for years. However, gaining miles was dependent on flying, so most people could not actually benefit from a membership. In order to get more people involved, and ultimately to get more people flying, airlines have teamed up with credit card companies to develop a variety of travel reward cards. People are usually given a large number (anywhere from 5,000 to 15,000) of bonus miles just for signing on. After that, members receive one mile for every dollar they spend on the card. Some companies will grant double miles when cards are used for purchasing specific items. Many times, people will sign up for a new card simply to gain miles for trips they have been planning.
Airline Frequent Miles Cards and hotel points cards are popular like never before for business users, yuppies, and families that take a lot of vacations. Starwood hotel rewards features ways to transfer miles to their airline partners on a 1:1 ratio and that is a luxury compared to other hotel cards. Starwood is not the most popular hotel rewards credit card only because people are not aware of how valuable it is. With rising costs of hotels and baggage fees among added costs with airlines it’s in your best interest to have one of these cards for bonus points.
Are you still using checks at the grocery store? Say No to ever writing checks and learn how you can make money off your purchases instead with cards that give you 5% cash rebates adding up to hundreds a year. This is savings you would not normally see with a time-consuming checkbook.
Bad Credit and need a charge card? An unsecured credit card is a credit card where you get credit based on your credit history not on what you have debited to your card. Most rewards cards and low interest credit cards with no annual fees are unsecured cards. If you have bad credit we do have a sub-prime credit card company that helps consumers rebuild their credit. There is also other good news for bad credit consumers because you can actually build your credit by holding some secured credit cards if they report to the proper credit agencies. If you have bad credit and are looking to earn reward points may have to pay some upfront fees and possibly higher interest.
Get Free Mike’s Hard Lemonade Seltzer After $14.99 Rebate ($5 Moneymaker With Ibotta)
Mike’s Hard Lemonade is offering a rebate of up to $14.99 to offset the full purchase price of a 12-pack. Offer can be done twice. Valid in the following states: AK,AZ,DC,DE,FL,GA,ID,KS,KY,MA,MS,MT,NE,ND,NV,NM,OK,OR,RI,SC,SD,WI,WY. Other states are showing just 50%...
$100 FREE Delivery Credit: Food, Alcohol, and Most Anything
Postmates has been an incredible freebie generating app since its debut. The on-demand app that delivers food, coffee, and alcohol has also brought us many free food offers which are better than a free sample people chase around the web. These are legit freebies such...
Uber and Lyft Users Should Use These Cards
Ride sharing services have grown in popularity over the past few years to where it's a must for many. The prices have went up some too in the past few months while these competing companies are trying to do the most to keep drivers and please lawmakers. The great...