Your kidding yourself if you think you can find a credit card that will be interest free forever. That’s how these companies make their money, so eventually interest will have to be paid. However, even with the new changes in credit card laws, there are still credit cards available that offer introductory interest free offers. These offers vary in number of months, but there are still quite a few to choose from. Here is a list of some of the top interest free credit cards.
1.Citi Platinum Select MasterCard– offers zero interest on both purchases and balance transfers for up to 15 months. There is no annual fee for this card and the APR after the zero interest offer can be as low as 11.99 percent on a variable rate.
2. Citi® Dividend Platinum Select® Visa® Card
3. Slate from Chase- offers zero percent APR for 12 months on purchases and balance transfers. There is no annual fee and the interest rate can be as low as an 11.24 percent variable rate.
4. Discover More Card– offers zero percent interest for 15 months on purchases and balance transfers. It also offers up to one percent cash back on all purchases, with up to 5 percent cash back on changing categories such as travel expenses, restaurants, groceries, and gas. There is no annual fee and the interest rate after introductory period can be as low as an 11.99 percent variable rate.
5. Chase Freedom– offers zero interest for 12 months on balance transfers and zero APR for 6 months on purchases. It also offers one percent cash back on all purchases, with up to 5 percent cash back on rotating categories. There is no annual fee and the interest rate can be as low as 12.99 percent variable after introductory period.
6. Capital One Venture One Rewards Credit Card- offers zero percent APR on purchases until March of 2011. The rewards are 1.25 miles per dollar that are earned with each purchase that can be used for various travel related expenses. There is no annual fee and the APR can be as low as 13.9 percent variable after the introductory offer.
7. Citi® Diamond Preferred® Card
8. Capital One Platinum Card- offers zero percent APR on purchases and balance transfers until March 2011. There is no annual fee and the rate can be as low as 14.9 percent variable after introductory offer.
There are a few other cards here and there that offer zero APR introductory rates. The key to these cards is to look around and find the right one for you. By being wise and transferring balances before the introductory offer ends, you may be able to save yourself a good amount of money for years to come.