When getting credit cards today, the APR rates are very important, as are the benefits you will receive from use of the credit card. Today’s consumers that are able to maintain excellent credit deserve some sort of kudos, as the United Mileage Plus Signature Visa Card offers through a lower APR percentage at about 14.24%, a lower annual fee at $60.00, and many benefits to ensure that you are getting the true rewards deserved through maintaining appropriate credit throughout all these years of economic turmoil.
The Airline Reward Card to Desire
Credit cards are all categorized by what they most offer from low interest to business benefits, student benefits, and much more. When talking of reward and airline cards, there are many benefits that aren’t found with other cards. Instead of getting points to use with school supplies, business equipment, or towards rebuilding credit, the Mileage Plus Signature Visa is a card that offers rewards where they most count. Airline miles are definitely not cheap, and going on that trip out of state or country could rack up to a few hundred or even thousand. Depending on where you are going, you know you are going to be spending a great deal of money, much more than usual on any other day. With a airline rewards credit card to help you out with these miles, you can turn an expensive trip into an inexpensive venture where you can use that saved money to get some extra accommodations, or even souvenirs for your loved ones and friends waiting at home.
Specific Offers
With the United Mileage Plus Signature Visa card, you can earn up to 30,000 miles after only spending $250 on your card, which is more than enough for the round-trip mile Saver Award. You can also earn a one-way upgrade and $25 travel certificate just for making your first purchase with the card. Every $1 you spend on qualified purchases earns you one more bonus mile, without any limit on these miles throughout your time using the card. Although excellent credit is needed to obtain the card, you get the benefits you would expect for keeping a clear credit through all these years.
There are several benefits of using this card as you are earning as you spend, making the use of the card well worth it. Instead of putting your credit on the line with no return, you are paying low yearly fees to receive optimal benefits not offered with most other cards. With Visa premiere member benefits, you are almost getting paid to use the credit card, making it well worth the value.
Even the mere act of signing on a friend to the Mileage Plus Visa can get you up to 5,000 additional miles, with the United Mileage Plus mall offering great savings and benefits to all card holders. As you are purchasing from stores within the mall, all money spent is eligible to earn the great bonus miles, ensuring that most of the use from your Visa card brings back the benefits in many ways.
Shopping the United Mileage Plus Mall, you can find just about anything from common retail items to gifts, and even flowers for a loved one. Using your United Mileage Plus Signature Visa card to purchase these items, your bonus airline miles will begin to add up, allowing you to take all the trips you want for a fraction of the cost, to no cost at all, with upgrades and other benefits available.
We recently reviewed how you can earn more United Bonus Miles with the new Club Card where you can take your air travel even further.
We no longer offer this card but you may be able to score this card if you call your local Chase branch.